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[Home and Decor] :: Ideas for a perfect home

I have long been envisioning a place which is soulful and dreamy; a place that would like to call home.  The essentials of my idea of a perfect home are:

Family and friends – They are the soulfulness and the life of every home. They are indeed those elements that make a ‘house’ a ‘sweet home’. Can’t do without’em!                                       

Space – I am stuck with this space conundrum every time I enter an under-construction building. There seems to be a gap here. There were homes in earlier days which advocated spatial freedom and now everyone seem to look for compact homes. Think about living in concrete boxes?! I understand the money-factor involved but some with enough and more are unwilling to go for a spacious place too. The heritage houses of south India are perfect examples of space management when it comes to homes.

Sunlight - Who wants to live in a cave or a scary house?!  In Vasthu Shastra and Feng Shui, we would notice a simple yet striking similarity which encompasses the need for sunlight to flow through the household. I can’t help but quote Hans Christian Andersen here “Just living is not enough; one must have sunshine, freedom and a little flower”


Airy – Imagine a room with no windows and doors. Think about a house with just a couple of small windows where you have kitchens, bathrooms and laundry rooms sweating moisture and odors. Having sufficient windows, exhaust units and interior and exterior vents will definitely make your home an eco-friendly one.
Furniture – Less is better. I hate those humungous sofas and heavy tea tables. Even cupboards should be smart and compact. I’d love to use the space below the staircase as a dining utility closet or my easy-access library for that matter J

Décor – I love color and vibrancy flowing through the walls. Subtle English colors would be my best choice so that the rooms don’t look gaudy.  I would love to go another step ahead and do themed rooms but on second thoughts, I’d keep them simple. Picture this - A beautiful bamboo swing in an almost empty study room by a fireplace. A pair of Bose speakers for some soul healing; that is all I need.

Warmth - The X-factor of a house is determined by its coziness according to me. Tiny fluffy pillows to grab in the sofa and anywhere else, I’d love it in my reading area too along with a book of course. Indoor plants and window sills are a great combination and it works for me!  


What is your idea of a perfect home? Do pitch in and share them, let us make every home a sweet home.

P.S: All the pictures in this post are sourced from various websites that showed up in Google Images, my internet life source !



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