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Johnny Bravo

When I thought about the alphabet J, the first thing that struck my mind is one of my favourite cartoon characters - Johnny Bravo. Although I was too young to understand his gimmicks, flirtatiousness and his pick up lines which failed most of the times, here are a few things I absolutely love about this character:

Picture sourced from here

His totally awesome yellowy, blond-ish hair

His ‘beefcake’ physique and the way he carries himself with the tightttt black Tee, the blue pants and the ever so cool sunglasses!

His cute stupidity when he tries to impress girls and gets beaten up in the end

His unscathed confidence is totally epic

His style and karate chops make him the coolest cartoon character ever!

Picture sourced from here

I have failed so many times trying to sketch Johnny boy during school days. But I always adore him, for; he is the coolest dude and my favourite *blushes*

I would like to thank all my earnest and patient readers for spending time in my blog. It does mean a lot and it definitely inspires me to write more (I totally can't believe I reached till J.. yay yay yay!! :))


  1. I like Johnny Bravo. I LOL on many of his quotes. Here is one for example. A female judge in the court room: I could hold you in contempt. Johnny Bravo: I don't care how you hold me, just hold me.

    1. hahhaaa :D this one is epic!!! :) JB is one funny character!
      Thanks for sharing this SG...


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