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Sweet Reminiscence

When I passed my board examinations, when I graduated, when I got a job, when I got married and when I got promoted, there is one thing that intrigues me at every juncture - how beautifully we are being transformed. I have been transformed into a better person and I owe it to my teachers (not just school teachers, this list also includes a sweet 3 year old boy Nandu, who I met on the train last weekend) who selflessly inculcated beautiful thoughts into my mind. This is the purest form of love, only second to mom’s and dad’s.

There are some nuances of my transformation that I would like to reminiscence on this special day – Teacher’s day. Is this a tribute? No. Am I trying to impress one of my teachers? No (I am way past that age now J) am I writing this for myself? Oh Yes.

I was 3 years 6 months and 11 days old, when I ran away on the very first day of school, crossed a busy highway and landed in my house’s backyard before my mom and dad came back after dropping me at school. I was crying all day and I had refused to eat lunch and I started breathing so hard they had to take me to the doctor, my mom told me later. Dramatic isn’t it? Well, that was just the beginning of my travails as a school going kid and it was just about to become worse.  

This was me, literally.

I was in my 6th grade; I thought I had changed a bit. I had a few close friends at school; there were a few teachers who knew me well (My mom was a teacher in the same school, so). On a beautiful Monday when our school reopened after our quarterly exam holidays, a terrible thing happened.

A new teacher Lalitha ‘miss’ had joined and she was going to teach Mathematics. Mathematics and I have had cold war going on for years already. It was typical of me to crumble during pressure at that time; I literally fainted when I heard her stern voice say “Good Morning Children”. In my mind, she had grown two horns, she had gone all red in her face and two of her teeth were sticking out. My Maths homework notebook was the shabbiest; I was down with fever for a week when Lalitha miss asked me why I did not finish my homework on time and asked me to come to her house for evening tuitions.

When I recovered, I realized she was, after all, not that bad. She was a good teacher and she taught me how to face difficult people and she sure did teach me Mathematics in a great way. I kind of like her now for transforming me into the person I am today who doesn’t fear difficult people neither fear Math. Thinking about it now, I smile at myself and feel gratitude for the teacher who taught me how to be confident and how to face life.

Sketched in iPad and edited in MS Paint

There are so many other amazing teachers who taught me great many things but this one is special J Thank You Lalitha Miss. Today, I would like to unlearn all the puny thoughts I had about you. I admire you a great deal and I will never think of you as just my 6th grade Mathematics teacher, you are top notch.






  1. Nice post. Happy Teacher's Day.

  2. :)

    Hehe.. she taught you maths? ;)

    1. Yea, and she taught me well... I know you wish she taught you too, right? :P

  3. Ha Ha I beat Anonymous (V) this time. I feel bad. He should be the first at all times and on all occasions.

    1. Lol SG, great observation. V is happy that my posts are receiving more comments and he know he is the first at all times heheee :)

      I remember a comic strip where a wife and husband fights and the wife says they are even if the husband comments on her blog. :D

  4. A wonderful dedication it is!
    Teachers teach us use the wings and fly high!

  5. hehe...we do realize howmuchever late that every single person who touches our lives, was there for a purpose.

    1. Exactly Red! :) Thanks a bunch for dropping by :)

  6. Hey Rohini, even my mother was a teacher in the same school where I studied. Even i have one special teacher, she was my first teacher. Read about her at


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